Clean technology enables oil & gas companies to remove nearly 1 million cars


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Aug 11, 2023

Clean technology enables oil & gas companies to remove nearly 1 million cars

The Canadian government has embarked on an ambitious mission to reduce carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions by 45% of 2005 levels, aiming to reach 402 Megatonnes (Mt) annually by 20301. Alberta,

The Canadian government has embarked on an ambitious mission to reduce carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions by 45% of 2005 levels, aiming to reach 402 Megatonnes (Mt) annually by 20301.

Alberta, as the largest oil and gas-producing province, faces the challenge of decreasing emissions from 236Mt to 130Mt CO2e annually by the same target year. The question arises: Is this economically feasible? The implementation of Spartan Controls’ (Spartan’s) Clean Technology portfolio has already yielded significant and encouraging results.

A critical focus for energy-producing regions is addressing methane, commonly known as natural gas, which is about 28 times more potent as a greenhouse gas. Alberta has made a commitment to reduce methane emissions from conventional production by 45% in 2025, starting from the peak benchmark level of 27Mt CO2e. This reduction will bring emissions down to 15Mt and ultimately to 7Mt, achieving a 75% reduction in 2030, with a difference of 12Mt (between 2025 and 2030). The Government of Alberta recently reported2 a 44% reduction in 2021, indicating significant progress.

In June 2023, the adoption of Spartan’s Clean Tech portfolio enabled industry to achieve a 36% abatement of the expected 12Mt CO2e methane reduction volume planned for 2025. On a 10-year cumulative basis, this technology has enabled industry to abate over 22Mt CO2e, which is equivalent to removing nearly 1,000,000 cars from the road. Spartan aims to achieve a cumulative abatement of 100Mt CO2e by 2030, resulting in a reduction impact of 16Mt in that year alone. This accounts for the equivalent of 80% of Alberta’s 2030 methane reduction goal of 20Mt CO2e.

Spartan’s Clean Tech focuses on the elimination, reduction, and capture of emissions, through the retrofit, modernization, and electrification of field equipment. Leveraging novel applications of data and automation technologies, this approach provides valuable insights into the operating environment, enabling the deployment of unique digital solutions that address energy consumption challenges, ultimately resulting in lower emissions.

Key applications where Spartan’s Clean Tech portfolio is applied:

In the realm of industrial operations, energy usage impacts the environmental and economic performance of the assets. Energy consumption is a complex system encompassing processes for energy generation and consumption, fuel combustion and electrictiy utlization. Achieving meaningful energy management and emissions outcomes, requires sophisticated technologies, including novel data management techniques, advanced process control (APC) strategies, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and visualization tools. Recognizing the growing demand for such applications, Spartan has established BlueMarvel (, a company dedicated to building AI-powered solutions for industrial processes. Leveraging Spartan’s expertise in Operational Technology (OT) and industrial processes, coupled with modern tools, BlueMarvel addresses the multifaceted challenges of energy management and emissions reduction.

When fuel energy, such as natural gas, is inefficiently combusted, it leads to increased emissions and higher costs. Spartan’s capabilities extend to businesses focused on optimizing combustion, engine performance, and compression applications. Regulatory frameworks such as the Multi-Sector Air Pollutants Regulation (MSAPR), which addresses pollutants such as Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Sulfur Oxides (SOx), along with emissions regulations and quality standards such as CSA Z299, have driven Spartan’s involvement in these areas. Spartan has become recognized as the expert in optimizing industrial combustion, engine, and compression performance as well, ultimately leading to improved emissions outcomes.

Emissions, regardless of their origin from production, combustion, or venting, all contribute to the calculation of carbon intensity. The increasingly regulated business climate, both financial and industrial, necessitates a clearer understanding of the carbon intensity of products and enterprises. Achieving this level of insight relies on data management, encompassing aspects such as data generation, quality, validity, mobilization, security, structure, accessibility, and verification. From field devices to the operational systems, exposing this data from the plant environment (OT) poses challenges that require expertise, innovation, and the integration of advanced skills and technologies, capabilities industry has demanded, and Spartan is supporting.

In response to regulatory and industry signals, Spartan has formed an Environmental Solutions team dedicated to assisting customers in their pursuit of improved environmental outcomes. The team curates a portfolio of impactful solutions, prioritizing cost-effectiveness per tonne, connecting industry with experts and supporting organizations in accessing available funding through government programs. These efforts, combined with the commitment of industry stakeholders, have resulted in the 22 Mt CO2e abatement, as mentioned earlier. Spartan has helped industry access millions of dollars in available funding, deployed thousands of new devices, and solutions, and successfully executed projects, thereby assisting in the achievement of their environmental and emissions-related objectives.

Spartan understands that sustainability is not limited to others. Leading by example, Spartan established Sustainability governance in 2019. Their focus encompasses six dimensions: People, Wellbeing, Community, Industry & Education, Innovation, and Environment. Spartan continues to invest in these areas and actively supports the innovative ecosystem, collaborating with entities such as Avatar Innovations, Carbon Connect International (CCI), Canadian Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA), Clean Resource Innovation Network (CRIN), Methane Emissions Leadership Alliance (MELA), and Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC), among others. In 2022, Spartan published its first Sustainability Report, articulating its commitment to a “sustainable modern world”.

To stay updated on Spartan’s commitment to sustainability or to explore the unique paths to a lower carbon intensity future, please visit our website GHG Reduction (



Key applications where Spartan’s Clean Tech portfolio is applied: